About the Club

The Henley and Grange Swimming Club is one of Australia’s oldest swimming clubs with a rich and proud history. In 1912, the retiring Minister of the Congregational Church, Henley Beach suggested a swimming club be founded for young members of the Church. So began the story of a swimming club which has survived for more than 105 years, has created champions, launched the annual swim from Henley to Grange Jetty, endured storms, gained a magnificent pool, endured more storms and lost that pool, found a new pool and converted that into a thriving community indoor aquatic centre.

In the early days, members used to teach people to swim on the beach, a few at a time, with the club originally training in the sea until the Henley Swimming Pool was opened in 1934. This was an open air salt-water pool located on the foreshore next to where the Henley Beach Surf Life Saving Club is now located.

The Henley & Grange Swimming Club offers a range of squads for people who love to swim; from children just graduating Swim School to serious competitors. We are a not-for-profit club and whilst we are largely funded by membership fees. We conduct fundraising activities so that we can invest in club and coaching facilities. Our club is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and we are grateful for their ongoing support as well as that of our members, particularly our valued life members who continue to support the club, some for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to encourage participation in swimming and let all people enjoy it. From recreational and for fitness to elite squad training for competitions at local, state and national swimming meets. Perseverance, dedication and team-work are at the core of the club, as is celebrating success. Membership enquiries are welcome, contact us now.

*To learn more about the Club’s amazing history, you may be interested in purchasing Salt in our Blood – 100 Years of Henley and Grange Swimming Club 1912-2012. This wonderful book with some fantastic historical photos was written by Janine Molloy and Lynette Carmichael to celebrate the Club’s Centenary and is available for $10 (plus postage). Please Contact Us if you would like a copy.